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Nov 03-05, 2024

Global FAST® Saves Lives
Global FAST® is everyday ultrasound on almost every patient!

Dear colleagues,
VVC as host invites you to participate in  Global FAST® Ultrasound-Our New Skill for Patient Evaluation Conference - 2 edition.  This is a MasterClass level conference and participants will gain specific knowledge and skills that they have not had before and will be able to apply them in their practices immediately after this training.
During this conference we will have the unique opportunity to meet face to face one of the modern innovators in our profession - Dr. Gregory R. Lisciandro. This is someone who has developed and integrated a methodology making ultrasound evaluation of the patient, quick, safe and easy. After this conference, you won't have another day without ultrasound. 
We guarantee that the investment you will make in this conference is 100% worth it.
Time to open a new page in ultrasonography!
VVC Team

Премини на следващото ниво в клиничния преглед с Global FAST®. Нов стандарт в клиничния преглед. Бъди иновативен и спасявай животи с Global FAST®. Ехографът е твоята дясна ръка в ежедневната клинична дейност.
Global FAST® задължително умение за ВСЕКИ практикуващ ветеринарен лекар. 

What can AFAST®, TFAST® and Vet BLUE® – Global FAST® do for you?

FAST is an acronym for the abbreviated ultrasound examination called Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma created as a triage and post-interventional screening test by human trauma surgeons in the 1990s.  It quickly morphed into a non-trauma (triage), and monitoring (tracking) point-of-care ultrasound imaging tool. The FAST ” T3″ applications encompass the paradigm change of its applications to Trauma, Triage, and Tracking (monitoring) that we started in 2005.  In other words, Global FAST®, the combined use of AFAST®, TFAST®, and Vet BLUE® as a single veterinary ultrasound examination, has become an extension of your physical exam and our new core skill.

AFAST® (abdominal FAST), TFAST® (thoracic FAST), Vet BLUE® (lung), and Global FAST® have been developed by FASTVet for veterinarians as a rapid, low impact, point-of-care first-line screening test to answer important clinical questions to help better:

  • Pick your next best diagnostic test

  • Better keep alive patients for gold-standard testing

  • Better keep alive patients for gold-standard treatment

  • Better serve as evidence-based information by “seeing” the abnormality

The level of the conference is MasterClass level and will cover the following core topics:

  • AFAST® and Its Target-organ Approach - More than a Flash. 

  • AFAST® and Its Abdominal Fluid Scoring System for Decision Making. 

  • TFAST® for the Accurate Diagnosis of Pleural and Pericardial Effusion and Its Fundamental Echocardiography. 

  • Introduction to Your New Stethoscope and Vet BLUE® Lung Ultrasound. 

Част от приходите по време на конференцията от таксите за участие и от спонсорите ще отидат за подпомагане на Детското отделение към МБАЛ Силистра. Така всеки един от нас, скъпи приятели ще се включи в тази благородна кауза.
Part of the proceeds during the conference from participation fees and sponsors will go to support the Children's Ward at the Silistra Hospital . Thus, each of us, dear friends, will take part in this noble cause.


Sunny Day resort, Hotel Palace,
St. st. Constantine and Helena, 
Varna, Bulgaria


Eastern European Master Conference

Global FAST® Ultrasound
Our New Core Skill for Patient Evaluation

Sept 18-20, 2025


host the event

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